The HVDC-WISE project will be present on some of the latest project updates at the 2024 IET AC/DC conference , on the 14th May in Amsterdam, with a session entitled “Modelling and operation of future AC/DC grids: progress from the HVDC-WISE project”.
Starting at 10.10am, the panel will feature three presentations from project partners, Chavdar Ivanov, Managing Director of gridDigI, Hungary, speaking on behalf of TenneT, Lampros Papangelis, Engie Impact, and Monika Sharma from TU Delft. See details below on these three presentations.
The IET AC/DC 2024 Europe conference is the place for grid specialists to connect and upskill their knowledge of the latest developments, applications and projects in the field of HVDC and power electronic based grids. More information about the conference and program available here.
Presentation 1: Towards complete HVDC model exchange based on IEC CIM standards
Chavdar Ivanov, Managing Director of gridDigI, speaking on behalf of TenneT
IEC Common Information Model (CIM) standards including IEC Common Grid Model Exchange Standard (CGMES) are used by TSOs for AC power system models exchange in long-term planning and operational planning processes. Exchange of HVDC models is an essential component to model power system behaviour. IEC standards support the necessary basic modelling requirements but extensions are necessary due to additional requirements on HVDC systems and their control. The presentation provides an insight into the research activities held in the HVDC-WISE project towards creation of a public library of HVDC models, based on IEC CIM standards. The presentation highlights the goals, demonstrates the proposed approach of representing the static and dynamic parts of the models. It addresses the challenges and the current progress of the work.
Presentation 2: Assessment of benefit from HVDC system black-start capability during power system restoration
Dr Lampros Papangelis, Engie Impact
The subject of this presentation is the assessment of the impact of HVDC links/grids on the restoration of power systems following a black-out. Preliminary findings will be presented from the development of a tool that indicates the benefit of HVDC systems supporting the restoration of AC grids, through reduction of the EENS and increasing the power system resilience to such extreme events.
Presentation 3: Resilient Dynamic Performance of AC/DC Networks
Dr. Monika Sharma TU Delft
The presentation delves into the HVDC-WISE project, Task 3.2 within WP3. This task aims to introduce innovative control concepts for future AC/DC Architecture, laying the foundation for establishing DC grid planning standards and addressing TSOs requirements for a robust and resilient hybrid AC/DC system. The proposed control framework encompasses four distinct functionalities, addressing both static and dynamic control aspects and focusing on the DC side, AC side, or interaction between AC and DC systems, in alignment with the project’s overarching objectives. Additionally, Control Functionality #2, pertaining to post-fault recovery of converters, will be discussed in detail.