
Communication Materials

Brand Visual Identity

Logo, colors and application.

Project video


Project Leaflet 

Project Roll-up Banner

Public Deliverables

D1.1 Project Handbook

Overview of the project management structure and infrastructure.

D1.2 Data Management Plan

D8.8 Visual identity, project website and social network accounts

Visual identity and communication platforms created for the project. 

D2.1: Resilience Requirements and Objectives

D2.1 is focused on TSO expectations regarding reliability and resilience with HVDC solutions in their networks, identifying opportunities, risks, and barriers associated with HVDC, and providing initial insights into codes, standards, and regulatory framework considerations.

D4.1: Identification of key technologies, potential benefits and restrictions

D4.1 outlines the building blocks and the associated technologies necessary to build a resilient and reliable AC/DC system, evaluating technology readiness levels and their relationship to system architectures, reliability, and resilience.

D5.1: Scope and specifications of the tools and model needs

D5.1 presents the conceptual framework of the tools to be developed, their scope and further modelling and development needs. 

Project Resources

Power system resilience during 2001–2022: A bibliometric and correlation analysis

Journal: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews | Volume 188, December 2023, 113862

Authors: Balaji V. Venkatasubramanian, Mathaios Panteli (University of Cyprus)

HVDC-WISE Deliverable 2.1 Appendix 3 Survey of Existing and Planned DC grids

This excel sheet provides an overview as of 31st March 2023 of VSC and LCC links (to the best of the authors knowledge). This acts as as an Appendix to Deliverable 2.1 “Resilience Needs and Objectives” of the HVDC-WISE Horizon Europe project.

A classification framework for HVDC-based transmission grid architectures

CIGRE Study Committee B4, DC Systems and Power Electronics (Poster Session Paris 2024)

Authors: Sarah Anhaus, Patrick Düllmann, Lars Osterkamp (RWTH Aachen University); Robert Dimitrovski (TenneT TSO), Paul McNamara (EPRI Europe), Juan-Carlos Gonzalez (SuperGrid Institue)

Reliability And Resilience needs for future hybrid AC/DC grids

C1 Power System Development and Economics; PS3 Resilience as Pivotal Criterion for System Development (Poster Session Paris 2024)

Authors: Asif Khan, Colin Foote, Benjamin Marshall, Paul McNamara and Lampros Papangelis

CIGRE Session 2024​ C1-C4 Workshop Resilience by design

The HVDC-WISE project contributed to the CIGRE Paris Session “Resilience by Design” workshop on the 27 August 2024, focused on the methods and best practices necessary to design and operate power grids that are more resilient to disruptions and can recover quickly from outages. The workshop featured a general presentation of the HVDC-WISE project, followed by a detailed discussion on the resilience aspects of HVDC systems and some specific project results. 

other resources


AC cascading failure model based on MATPOWER for resilience analysis of power networks. Co-developed by University of Cyprus and University of Manchester.


A dynamic cascading failure simulation platform implemented in DIgSILENT PowerFactory via the Python API. It automatically develops cascading mechanisms, simulates sets of failure scenarios and processes results, and also has good scalability such that it can be easily applied to any power system model. Co-developed by University of Cyprus and University of Manchester.

PowerModels.jl Documentation

PowerModels.jl is a Julia/JuMP package for Steady-State Power Network Optimization. It provides utilities for parsing and modifying network data (see PowerModels Network Data Format for details), and is designed to enable computational evaluation of emerging power network formulations and algorithms in a common platform.


PowerModelsACDC.jl is a Julia/JuMP/PowerModels package with models for DC lines, meshed DC networks, and AC DC converters. Building upon the PowerModels architecture, the code is engineered to decouple problem specifications (e.g. Power Flow, Optimal Power Flow, …) from the power network formulations (e.g. AC, DC-approximation, SOC-relaxation, …).


FlexPlan.jl is a Julia/JuMP package to carry out transmission and distribution network planning considering AC and DC technology, storage and demand flexibility as possible expansion candidates. Using time series input on renewble generation and demand, as well a list of candidates for grid expansion, a mixed-integer linear problem is constructed which can be solved with any commercial or open-source MILP solver.