The HVDC-WISE project aims to leverage the full potential of HVDC technology to enhance the Resilience and Reliability (R&R) of hybrid AC/DC transmission systems. At its core, HVDC-WISE endeavours to address critical challenges in effective planning and operation, identifying AC/DC grid architectures that can bolster system reliability and resilience. Central to the HVDC-WISE is the proposition of new reliability and resilience (R&R)-oriented network planning and analysis tools.
Moving forward, the project embarks on a trajectory aimed at proposing and validating control and protection solutions. These solutions are strategically engineered to exploit the full potential of HVDC while simultaneously mitigating inherent threats to system integrity and functionality.
A pivotal aspect of the project involves the introduction of a standardized library of technological components, proposing an extension of the Common Information Model (CIM) / Common Grid Model Exchange Specification (CGMES) format.
Over the next stage of the project, HVDC-WISE will be dedicated to developing tools that offer a comprehensive assessment of system Resilience and Reliability (R&R). These tools boast an unparalleled ability to accurately represent HVDC architectures, incorporating intricate control and protection actions into their analyses.
Furthermore, the project aims to compare various HVDC architectures across three realistic use cases, evaluating trade-offs between costs and R&R levels.
By proposing novel control and protection solutions, standardizing technological components, and facilitating comprehensive assessments of HVDC architectures, the project will contribute to a future where resilience and reliability are cornerstones of transmission system operation.
Find out more about the project outcomes in our resource library here.