In order to ensure the reliability and resilience (R&R) of future electrical grids, particularly those incorporating significant high-voltage AC and DC interconnections, the development of appropriate analysis methodologies and tools is paramount.
Within the HVDC-WISE Work Package 5, our focus lies on the advancement of tools tailored for R&R-oriented planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems. Deliverable 5.1, “Scope and Specifications of Tools and Model Needs” introduces the conceptual framework for these tools, outlining their scope and further requirements for modelling and development.
Moving forward on this topic, our team is progressing in refining the R&R analysis framework and enhancing adequacy-oriented functionalities. The upcoming phase involves Key Performance Indicator (KPI) calculation as a crucial post-processing step. Additionally, discussions are underway regarding the selection of significant operating states and the application of AC/DC Security-Constrained Optimal Power Flow (SC-OPF) to ensure the generation of secure system states.
In the realm of cascading contingency-driven resilience assessment, our focus shifts towards identifying how initiating events propagate throughout the system, leading to cascading events. We are actively engaged in devising strategies to mitigate the impact of such cascading events, with ongoing efforts dedicated to proposing, implementing, and analysing operational mitigation strategies.
As these tools continue to evolve, they will be made openly accessible on GitHub upon finalization. At the final stage of the project, we plan to release an online course on the theory and practical application of adequacy and failure simulation cascading tools, facilitating broader dissemination and utilization within the industry.