Date: 2nd March 2023
Time: 2.55pm – 3.55pm
Venue: Auditorium B&C, Technology and Innovation Centre (TIC Building), University of Strathclyde, Glasgow (Scotland).
Presentation type: Panel
Speakers: Juan Carlos Gonzalez (SuperGrid Institute); Prof Keith Bell (Holder of the Scottish Power Chair in Future Power Systems and Professor of Smart Grids University of Strathclyde); Ilka Jahn (RWTH Aachen University); Florent Morel (SuperGrid Institute); Dr Agusti Egea-Àlvarez (Senior Lecturer, Electronic And Electrical Engineering, University of Strathclyde); Dr Colin Foote (Senior Simulation Engineer, SSE National HVDC Centre); Robert Dimitrovski (Tennet).
The EU-GB HVDC-WISE project brings together TSOs and a range of power systems research groups from across industry and academia. Project goals include the development of a complete reliability-&-resilience-oriented grid expansion planning toolset, the identification of planning approaches that realise the benefits of deep integration of HVDC technology into the future EU-GB transmission systems, and finally, the identification of different grid architectures that can be readily deployed in grid development plans.
During this panel session, a brief outline will be provided of the goals of the project and some initial project outputs will be presented. A panel and audience interaction session will follow, where the challenges of planning for reliable and resilient hybrid AC/DC grids will be discussed.
Conference website: