On the 13th and 14th of November, the HVDC-WISE consortium gathered at Universidad Pontificia Comillas for the 4th General Meeting. The meeting delved into the specifics of the project use cases, as well as the communication and exploitation of the project results.
The specific use cases discussed were:
- Use Case 1: Reinforcement of a highly meshed network (continental Europe).
- Use Case 2: Reinforcement of a small or medium synchronous area (GB network).
- Use Case 3: Interconnection of Use Case 1 and Use Case 2 through a multi-purpose HVDC grid for offshore wind integration and inter-area energy trade.
The project is currently at Month 28, having passed the halfway mark. Work Packages (WPs) WP3: Concept architectures for reliable and resilient AC/DC systems; WP4: Enabling technologies for future AC/DC hybrid systems and WP5: Simulation tools for R&R-oriented planning and operation of hybrid AC/DC power systems have concluded their activities in recent months, presenting some main outcomes, which includes:
- Development of a methodology to incorporate reliability and resilience in expansion planning, including tools for expansion planning and quantifying resilience.
- Development of control strategies and protection mechanisms aiming to target the resilience of hybrid AC/DC grids.
- Compilation of a list of relevant technologies for future HVDC systems.
- Ongoing work on modelling and analysis approaches for grids with high integration of power electronics.
- Library of HVDC models, based on IEC CIM standards, under internal review, available soon on GitHub.
As for next steps in the project, the partners will finalise the use cases and prepare the adoption of the proposed solutions by the industry.