Needs and solutions for DC architectures for future reliable and resilient hybrid AC/DC systems
HVDC-WISE project is happy to introduce the first project webinar ‘Needs and Solutions for DC Architectures for Future Reliable and Resilient Hybrid AC/DC Systems’, to be held on the 22nd February, at 4pm (CET).
This webinar will present the needs, opportunities, and benefits of HVDC systems regarding the reliability and resilience of future power systems. The state-of-the-art and challenges in relation to architectures and device needs will be highlighted, and it will be seen how these challenges are being addressed in the HVDC-WISE project. This covers the system-level control and protection approaches and the related equipment.
This one-hour free webinar will feature presentations from the project partners Colin Foote (The National HVDC Centre, UK), Patrick Düllmann (RWTH Aachen University, Germany), and Florent Morel (SuperGrid Institute, France), with moderation from the project coordinator Juan-Carlos Gonzalez (SuperGrid Institute, France).
This webinar will mark and highlight aspects of the first two project deliverables, now publicly available at Zenodo.
- Deliverable 2.1: Resilience Needs and Objectives
- Deliverable 4.1: Identification of key technologies, potential benefits and restrictions
About the Speakers
Dr Colin Foote is a Senior Simulation Engineer at the National HVDC Centre where he leads a team performing advanced modelling, analysis, and testing for a range of power system applications. He has extensive and varied experience in consultancy, research, project design and delivery, solutions development, and training. Previous roles include System Analysis manager at SP Energy Networks and Head of Power Systems at Smarter Grid Solutions. He has MEng and PhD degrees from the University of Strathclyde. In HVDC-WISE Colin Foote led Work Package 2 which was completed in late 2023 and will lead Task 7.2 to validate new solutions proposed by the project through EMT and real-time simulation with a use case representing a small/medium synchronous area.
Florent Morel obtained the PhD degree form INSA de Lyon in 2007. From 2007 to 2019, he was Associate Professor at École Centrale de Lyon and the Ampère Laboratory. He worked on the control of electrical drives and power electronic converter design. He is currently with Supergrid Institute, France where he is working on converters for HVDC applications. In the HVDC-WISE project, Florent Morel is leading the work package 4 “Enabling technologies for future AC/DC hybrid systems”. He is also contributing to the project coordination.
Patrick Düllmann received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, in 2015 and 2018, respectively, where he is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree. He is currently working as the leader of the research group ‘DC systems’ with the Institute for High Voltage Equipment and Grids, Digitalization and Energy Economics, RWTH Aachen University. He is a Young Member of CIGRE and participated in CIGRE WG B4.85. Patrick Düllmann is involved in WP2, 3, 4, and 7 of HVDC-WISE, and contributed to the deliverables D2.2 (use case definition) and D3.1 (HVDC-based architectures) in particular.